Monday, February 3, 2014

BreAnna's journal on "Alicia Who Sees Mice"

         The nutshell of the chapter is how the women in society do not go to college they were expected to work in a factory or stay home and keep things in order, even catching the mice. Alicia is afraid of mice and wants nothing to do with them at all. She is an intelligent individual, who has plans for herself in life. Alicia may be actually seeing the mice or just imagining them, but its the fear that will she carry her mothers place and be a housewife.
          The language in the chapter is descriptive, it stands out throughout the whole thing. My favorite sentences in the chapter are when Alicia is being described, "Inherited her mamma's rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at the university."  the other is her main description of Alicia it defines her goal for herself, "She doesn't want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin." These quotes stood out to me the most because I can relate, my mother graduated from high school and a few family members did not even make it to the end. My family does not go to college, we Baers have the tough skin and hardheadedness that we didn't need college, but I wanted to be different, I am the first Baer to attempt college and I will be the first  to graduate college and go far in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that it did seem like the mice were in her head. but I was happy when she decided to go to school to make something of herself.


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